Hi I’m Owen, It is important people understand the vocabulary methods of determining if information is either misinformation, malinformation, disinformation. Starting with misinformation, This is false content, however the person sharing doesn’t realize that it is false. This is frequently a piece of disinformation viewed by someone who doesn’t realize it’s false and shares it with their networks without the intent to do harm. Next disinformation, this is content that is intentionally false and designed to cause harm. It is motivated to make money, gain political influence either foreign or domestic. Or to cause chaos.
Malinformation is information that is true but reported out of context. Some methods of this false information can be seen through many different forms from the least harmful satires, disinformation made for the purpose of comedy to more dangerous forms Fabricated context for example like stating third world countries possess weapons of mass destruction with the purpose of drumming up fear to result in mass panic and war, we have seen this used by the American government throughout history.
In recent days Misinformation has grown from a concept to a full blown fear of Americans. Terms like Fake News directly contradict the 1st amendment. People are given the right of freedom and press, to say anything on the matters they care about. With few exceptions like threats and libel, a person according to the constitution can say more or less anything they want whenever they want. There are a lot of people with strong opinions and a lack of facts. The information they spread could be wrong whether out of ignorance or on purpose.
However it is not the governments place to control this information and censor what they deem false. It is rather up to the people to learn the difference between information and disinformation to form their own conclusions. The government presents laws to curb the spread of misinformation and lies on social media the issue is this would likely cause more harm than good and result in information true or false that contradicts the government being removed and in doing so this would go against the first amendment clauses of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press.
Some functions to uncover and disproving this false information can be useful to individuals to prevent the further spread of misinformation. These strategies include looking for signs of false information. Clickbait for starters is used to draw in views that can be shocking or flashy images to draw attention. While reading this information often emotionally triggering phrases or views can be presented to draw out emotions. When emotions are heightened often people overlook facts and reality.
Extraordinary claims are often used to shock the audience it’s safe to say in many situations these claims are false. That being said, the most important thing a person can do to avoid disinformation is to fact check. Find multiple sources on the subject to grow your knowledge on the field prior to making your opinions and claims in the area.
Thank you for listening Does anyone have any questions
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